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Very good examples of every functionality you need in JeEE world can be found on -
journaldev, codejava, mkyong, roseindia and a lot more.
- Knowledge of Core-Java
Minimum Tools required:
- JDK 8. Which can be downloaded from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
- MySQL Database Server (or any other DB of your choice). MySQL can be downloaded from here: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/
- IDE of your choice. Eclipse - https://eclipse.org/downloads/ AND/OR Netbeans - https://netbeans.org/downloads/
The use-case:
Create a basic Sping MVC CRUD application which has:
- User login.
- Reading parameters from properties file.
- From browser user should see jsp.
- Login-Logout feature.
- Authentication Filter.
- Application error handling.
- BarCode Generation (using lowagie servlets - DataMatrix).
- Servlets requests & responses.
- Spring Model, View and Controller.
- JSPs. get/set parameters.
- Access denied and error pages for users.
- Oracle JDBC connection with CRUD.
- Application error handling.
- Write exceptions and errors using html tags on the screen.
- Bootstrap CSS usage.
Consider the solution:
(please change extension from .pdf to .zip)
Download the Solution.